The new type of waxing created by Le Petit Spa Boutique that put the best of both worlds together: Hard Wax and Sugaring!

Hair removal has been around for thousands of years with one of the earliest records going to the Egyptians circa 1500 B.C.
“Around 400CE in Greece and Rome it was considered uncivilized to have pubic hair, tools are used to pluck individual hairs or singe them off with fire”.
Thank goodness things are a bit easier and we can create new forms of hair removal that are quick, efficient and result driven.
What's a Hybrid Brazilian?
First we got to get the room cleared of all the negative energy between estheticians who use sugar paste vs estheticians who use hard wax. For so long it has been the battle of wills when it comes to which is better? What's more organic? Who is superior? Honestly since being trained in both for 10 plus years I would say both are equally amazing!
When I created our signature Hybrid Brazilian I wanted to create something that would bring both forms of hair removal together to benefit the clients who really wanted a service that stood out to give the best Brazilian wax in town.
Our hybrid Brazilian is perfect for those who are prone to ingrown hairs or sensitive skin. Our removal pattern is also not the normal that you would get at any box chain hair removal studio. This service is truly one of a kind and not offered anywhere around.
Sugaring alliavates the stress from your hair follicles being incorrectly pulled. Sugar is also great for those with allergies. Hard wax is great for those very sensitive areas that sugar can tug at some times or if your tend to sweat much easier. Combined they are a power house for the perfect #brazilianwax.
Our pattern for our signature #hybrid #brazilian is made specifically to get the best results for each individuals hair pattern. This Brazilian can take less than 25 to complete and as an added bonus a vajacial is always a treat!
For your next Brazilian you definelty should be booking our signature Hybrid Brazilian!